Club Introduction

Hi folks,

The East Leinster Amateur Radio Club (EI0EL) is a brand new club founded just this August.

We’re a group of friends interested in all things Amateur Radio, especially Portable and SOTA.

I suppose we really got started over the Lockdown with regular group Zoom calls. During the Lockdown we spent a lot of time sharing home-brew projects and running classes in preparation for the HAREC exam, and I’m delighted to say we had two members passing and gaining their Amateur Licence this August. We are in the process of setting up a simple, no frills, website which we’ll build over time. So please don’t come here  expecting a lot of detail. We're spending our time getting out and operating rather than building websites. But we will put in some contact info and a brief Intro to the Club very soon. We are also in the process of getting our club contact details on the IRTS Club Info page.

At the moment we’re all based in the Dublin / Kildare region and really looking forward to doing a few club field days and club home-brew projects. Hope to chat with you all on the air.

73 for now. Frank EI8HIB (Club Chairman)

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