
Showing posts from March, 2021

We've Received an Award

John Ash Chapman Shield 2021 We were nominated for and were awarded the John Ash Chapman Shield. We are very proud to have been awarded this and would like to thank everyone for their support and nominations. A formal announcement of this award will be make at this years Annual General Meeting of the IRTS due to take place on Saturday 24 April. The Shield is awarded to an individual, group or club that undertakes significant promotion of Amateur Radio to the public. This Shield was sponsored by North Cork Radio Group in memory of their member and good friend John Ash Chapman, EI5JN. John was an enthusiastic promoter of Amateur Radio to the public in a fun and friendly manner and he believed that these qualities should be to the forefront of the modern amateur spirit.  In particular he was very supportive of activations at heritage locations such as castles, lighthouses, Geoparks, islands and places of historical distinction. 

4 Meter IRTS News Pilot

The members of East Leinster Amateur Radio Club have proposed reading the IRTS News on 4 metres as a Pilot for a couple of months. ** Update 21 March 2021 Successful 4m QSO while operating portable from Grid Square IO63vn with Geoff, GI0LAM, near Castlewellanin Co Down. Very clear signal and great audio. Thanks for the chat Geoff and for passing on the message to the rest of your club that we were on the air. Hope to chat to you again soon. ** Update 20 March 2021 In perpetration for our reading of the IRTS News on 4m, we will be operating portable from Grid Square  IO63vn  tomorrow, Sunday 22 March, and will be calling CQ on 70.450 Mhz FM Mode from 1pm to 2pm (1300 to 1400 GMT) . We will be using an Anytone AT-588 and a flowerpot antenna hoisted up as high as we can get it in a tree. It would be great to make contact and get some signal reports from other radio armatures and SWL's either via a QSO or in the comments. **  We received a positive response from the IRTS...