
Showing posts from August, 2020

20m Dipole Build

Tom has built a 20 meter dipole for portable use.The build is based on a common speaker wire dipole build. Using the HF Linked Dipole Antenna Designer from as a guide Tom set about building his. The parts list is very basic. length twin core speaker wire cut to size 1:1 50 Ohm balun with a SO-239 connector rated for 3 to 30 Mhz at 400 Watts. The intention is to deploy the dipole from a portable 6 meter telescopic mast with the legs supported by 2 to 3 meter long tent poles with 2 to 3 meters of rope extenders. Putting these numbers in to the designer application we get the following results. Using the commonly held belief that its easier to shorten the length rather then extend it after cutting, the speaker wire as cut to 5.05 meters. Next step was to test the SWR of dipole. Running a sweep over the 20m band gave the following results. We were very happy with that as a first attempt. Next steps will be to use this as a starting point for a linked dip...

Operating Portable

Today Club members, Frank, Dom and Tom operated portable on 20m outside Carlingford , south of Greenore. QSO's were made with  9A3OS ,  IZ2SQS and  SP1MM/MM The guys were using a home brew 20m dipole on a 6m telescopic mast and a Yaesu FT-857D Details of the antenna build as well as other kit we use with operating portable will be posted at a later date.

IRTS Affiliation

The Club's application for affiliation to the IRTS was formally cleared at an IRTS committee meeting in August 2020. The Club is now listed on the IRTS Clubs Page . An announcement was made on IRTS news on Sunday welcoming the new club and its members. Below is an extract from the IRTS News Page .  East Leinster Amateur Radio Club A new club has recently been formed in the Dublin – Kildare area. The East Leinster Amateur Radio Club, EI0EL, was set up by a group of friends all interested in gaining amateur radio licences and getting out and about operating portable and taking part in the Summits On The Air Programme. The clubs first Chairman is Frank EI8HIB. The club’s website is at

About The Club

Hi folks, The East Leinster Amateur Radio Club (EI0EL) is a brand new club founded just this August. We’re a group of friends interested in all things Amateur Radio, especially Portable and SOTA. I suppose we really got started over the Lockdown with regular group Zoom calls. During the Lockdown we spent a lot of time sharing home-brew projects and running classes in preparation for the HAREC exam, and I’m delighted to say we had two members passing and gaining their Amateur Licence this August. We are in the process of setting up a simple, no frills, website which we’ll build over time. So please don’t come here  expecting a lot of detail. We're spending our time getting out and operating rather than building websites. But we will put in some contact info and a brief Intro to the Club very soon. We are also in the process of getting our club contact details on the IRTS Club Info page. At the moment we’re all based in the Dublin / Kildare region and really looking forward ...