JOTA-JOTI Weekend 2022

Members of East Leinster Amateur Radio Club, the 98th Dublin Scouts and the 7th Kildare Scouts have teamed up to activate EI-98-JOTA (Dublin) and EI-7-JOTS (Kildare) for the 2022 JOTA-JOTI weekend.

We look forward to making contact with you by HF (80/40/20) , VHF (2m/4m) or DMR over the weekend. 15-16 October 2022.

80m  3.690 Mhz +/- QRM
40m  7.090 Mhz +/- QRM
20m 14.290 Mhz +/- QRM

Listen out for us on DMR Talk Group 272907 JOTA IRL.

Local VHF 2 Meter Repeaters
EI2KPR - 145.7625 -0.6 Mhz  88.5 Hz (Dublin)
EI2CCR - 145.6750 -0.6 Mhz 110.9 Hz (Dublin/Kildare)
EI7MLD (DMR) - 430.3000 +9.0 Mhz CC1 (Kildare)

Simplex on 2 Meters and 4 Meters
2m VHF Simplex - 145.5000 Mhz FM +/- QRM
4m VHF Simplex -  70.4500 Mhz FM +/- QRM

98th Dublin Scouts location is the "Bog of the Ring Scout Campsite, Dublin, Ireland"
Grid IO63VN29

98 Dublin Scout Group

7th Kildare Rathangan Scouts location is the "Rathangan Scout Den, Kildare, Ireland"
Grid:  IO63LF93

7 Kildare Scout Group

Please reach out via the comment section below if you have any queries.

Very best 73's from Ireland


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