International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2022

The East Leinster Amateur Radio Club, operating under the callsign EI0EL, will be activating Wicklow Head Lighthouse IE0026 on Saturday 20 August 2022 as part of the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend.

We will primarily be operating on HF, Phone, in an effort to contact other international lighthouses and lightships.
In the spirit of the Club's activities on 4m, we will also be operating on 70.400 Mhz FM, +/- QRM. Coverage and range from this location will likely be somewhat restricted.
We would like to hear from others who are planning on taking part in the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend and will be on the air on Saturday.
It would be great to try and organise a QSO., HF on 80m with an antenna in NVIS configuration would be best suited to this


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