4 Summits On 4 Meters (70Mhz)

On Saturday 30 July 2022 the East Leinster Amateur Radio Club (ELARC) will be attempting to activate 4 Summits on 4 Meters (70Mhz).

In an effort to promote the use of 4 meters the Club would encourage those of you with 4m rigs to listen out for our CQ calls on 70.400 FM

We know there are a lot of you out there with ex-PMR (Private Mobile Radio) rigs that have been modified and reprogrammed to operate within our allocation on the 4 meter / 70Mhz band.

Many of you may already have off-the-shelf amateur radio rigs that have 4m built-in such as the Kenwood TS 890, Icom IC-7300, and Yaesu FT-847.

This is a great opportunity to dust it off and get an antenna up and join us on 4m. 

Based on our experiences in broadcasting the IRTS 4M News while operating portable, long-distance contacts can be made. For example, Dublin/Wicklow mountains into both North Anglesey (~160 km) and Sligo (~195km).

We would especially be interested in making QSO's with anyone who may be operating portable on 4m on the day.

We will be using our own callsigns as well as the Club callsign, EI0EL.

Our plan is to start a Summit to Summit to anywhere Net at 12:00 Local Time / 11:00 UTC on 70.400Mhz FM. All are invited.

After the net summit operators will QSY to an alternate 4m frequency to complete the sumit activation and to make some more QSO's.

We will be activating the following summits:

70.350 FM EI/IE-003 IO63tb Tonelagee
70.375 FM EI/IE-022 IO63wd Great Sugar Loaf
70.400 FM EI/IE-018 IO63vf Two Rock Mountain
70.425 FM EI/IE-021 IO64ub Clermont Carn

Freq: 70.400Mhz -/+ QRM (70.350 to 70.450)
Mode: FM
Date: Saturday 30 July 2022
Time: 12:00pm Local Time / 11:00 UTC


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