Balbriggan Mini Maker Day

There will be a free Balbriggan Mini Maker Day on Saturday 23rd of April from 10am till 5pm in Balbriggan Library, Saint George’s Square, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. K32 TW27.

The day is part of the "Loves Learning" festival and is open to visitors both young and old for a day of family-friendly workshops and maker showcases. 

On the day there will be a mix of workshops suitable for all ages, from coding and game crafting to lego making and LED art.
A giant maker showcase with all sorts from CNCs, crafting to VR experiences. 

Members from East Leinster Amateur Radio Club EI0EL will be joining in the fun. We will be demonstrating amateur radio to all the visitors, embedding the spark of our hobby in the new generation. 

We will be setting up a number of radio stations operating on VHF and HF Bands on emergency power. 

Jeffrey, EI7IRB will also be there showcasing his homemade tinyGS  satellite ground station. 

To find out more about the event visit


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